What is EFI (Electronic Fuel Injector) Servicing?
Electronic Fuel Injection ( a.k.a EFI) is in diesel and most petrol vehicles.
This direct injection of ‘atomised’ fuel replaced the carburetors that were installed in older cars (1950s and earlier).
The EFI systems are controlled by an Engine Control Unit (ECU) to maintain the precise air-fuel ratio.
But over time, as you can imagine, the fuel injectors can be affected by different contaminants like hydrocarbons, sediment and other fuel additives.
As this directly effects the performance and ‘health’ of your engine- you should regularly get your electronic fuel injectors checked.
During an Electronic Fuel Injector service, we remove all of your injectors from the engine’s intake manifold and test them individually on a flow bench.
This is simply to determine the capabilities of each injector, showing which ones need attention or a replacement.
After testing, the fuel injectors will be cleaned ultrasonically, back flushed and then ‘re-flowed’ to ensure each injector is working!
You’ll notice that your vehicle has better acceleration, smoother engine idling, improved overall power and better fuel economy after you’ve completed an EFI Service!
Have a feeling that you’re Electronic Fuel Injection System needs a helping hand?
At R & L Automotive, we work with Cars, 4WD’s, Trucks, RV’s, Vans, Motorcycles and Scooters!
Contact R & L Automotive to book an appointment or Give Rocky a call on 0409 239 735 Or 02 9879 6042